Storm at Sea
Calvert Marine Museum
38.3309945, -76.4643070
14200 Solomons Island Road, Solomons, MD 20688
The Calvert Marine Museum chose the 'Storm at Sea' square as a poignant reminder of what faced those early explorers who settled in the Chesapeake Bay region and as a ready reminder for us today to keep a healthy respect for our natural world. Established in 1970, the Museum tells the story of the Chesapeake Bay's prehistoric past, maritime heritage, and its natural environment through many hands-on exhibits. With the picturesque waters behind it, the 'Storm at Sea' square hangs on the Boat Shed next to the main Museum building. The square's design is one of the earliest American quilt patterns, depicting the rolling waves of a stormy sea by the illusion of its geometric arrangement.